Unloading Error [FIXED]

I have a problem, as can be seen in screenshoot:

1 -> When I position the camera at a particular angle, it loads the entire model.
2 -> But when I change this angle it unloads the hands of the character.

How can I solve this problem?

Wrong model meshes boundings?

No, the model is perfect, I tested it earlier in Unity. The problem is that as will lowering the angle of the camera, it will unload the objects in the scene. It’s possbile increase this margin of unloading?

Likely bounding box is not properly computed when there is skinning deformation.

You can disable culling until this is fixed (click on Scene and find the Camera renderer in the scene graphics compositor).

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Yeah!!! It worked! Thank you!
Waiting for fix :wink:

This will be fixed in the upcoming release, and will properly work with frustum culling enabled.

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