Completely unable to use iOS in any capacity.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create new project,
- Choose “New game”
- Pick Windows and iOS
- touch nothing and open IDE
- Set iOS as startup
(Macbook already configured) - Run
Scenario 1 Simulator:
Build completes. Exception is thrown app launches: "Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: "
Scenario 2 iPad:
1st run: “Could not register the assembly ‘OpenTK-1.0’: error MT4118: Cannot register two managed types (‘OpenTK.Platform.iPhoneOS.CADisplayLinkTimeSource, OpenTK-1.0’ and ‘OpenTK.Platform.iPhoneOS.CADisplayLinkTimeSource, OpenTK-1.1’) with the same native name (‘OpenTK_Platform_iPhoneOS_CADisplayLinkTimeSource’).”
Consecutive runs: “Internal error: the static registrar should not execute unless the linker also executed (or was disabled). A potential workaround is to pass ‘-f’ as an additional mtouch argument to force a full build. Please file a bug report with a test case (”
if it’s of any relevance my visual studio version is
Visual Studio Community 2017 - 15.9.7
I humored the thought of running a vanilla Xamarin project and that ran just fine on the iPad.
I really hope there is a simple solution to this cause i can’t wait to ditch Unity3D