[Solved] Bug during drawing a sprite batch into a texture

I think I have found a bug whilst drawing a sprite batch to a texture.

This is what the result is when I draw to the screen (note the sprite batch only draws the grass on the top left of the screen):

This is what the same draw calls into a texture produce:

Here is a link to the zipped up repo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwUPaAnzkOY3UnJheDZoci1XUEU/view?usp=sharing

EDIT: Updated code and screenshots to show texture drawn onto the screen.

Looking into this some more, I think it’s not a bug, but me doing something wrong.

Changing the resolution of the game affects the texture that gets drawn:

I will report back…


The issue was I was setting the virtual resolution of the SpriteBatch to be the same as that of the screen. This caused the odd scaling issues I was seeing before.

I guess this can be marked as solved :slight_smile: .