I’m new to game development with a dedicated editor/studio program, and I’m really overwhelmed by everything. I have plenty of experience in C#, so the issue isn’t the language or programming in general. I’ve also done several projects a long time ago in XNA, but that was done wholly through code and raw assets. I’ve been looking into Xenko for several years now and I’ve made a few test projects that essentially coded away any use of the studio side of things (empty main scene, everything instantiated through runtime code).
Now I want to make a 3D project, and do things “right”, which means learning how to use the studio and editor properly, for more than just asset management. So far I’ve been messing around with the TopDownRPG test project, but I’m really overwhelmed by it all. I’m so used to everything being handled by a class in a VS project that I’m having a hard time understanding how and when to use scenes, prefabs, and scripts. One thing in particular that really confuses me is how to make something that’s loaded during runtime or procedurally generated; scenes seem to limit everything to static, pre-made levels. Overall I’m just stumped on how to go about making anything.