OpenGL Configuration

Hello friends!

I would like to take a simple doubt the paradox it is set to work with DirectX or OpenGL?
How do I set it so that only use OpenGL?

Paradox uses sharpdx for its graphic card support. To my understanding their is no Open GL support.

There is OpenGL code but not well tested and not shipped in the official release yet.

Before doing so, we will need to improve .pdxpkg little bit to easily have a single platform with multiple Graphics API.

Okay, so the Paradox uses the SharpDX which is an api based on DirectX, right, then immediately Paradox uses the DirectX … even if indirectly. That’s it?

For clarification:

  • On the shader side, Paradox uses its own shading language (with is syntactically close to hlsl) but can be converted either to hlsl or glsl
  • On the engine side, Paradox uses sharpDX for directX and OpenTk for OpenGl. But the OpenGl implementation for windows is currently not maintained.

Moreover if we want to support both OpenGl and DirectX for windows, we need to make some improvements on the way the game settings in order to be able to choose different graphics platform for a single execution platform (window desktop). This is currently not possible.

Hope it is clear :wink: