Issues with animation assets

Hello. I am very excited about using this product. When it comes to assets I have been working on my own with Blender. I managed to export my model in an fbx format, but I am having difficulty accessing my animations. Does anyone have any experience in this department? Maybe explain a way to separate the animations and export them separately. Just looking for some type of solution.

Hello @Darius_Phillips. Welcome to Xenko forums.

About your issue. What do you mean by “having difficulty to access [your] animations”? Do the animation assets get imported (do you see them in the asset view)?
Maybe this other post can help you: [Solved] 3D workflow with blender, though it might be a bit outdated.

Thank you for the response. Under the fbx format an animation asset is created under the import. The thing is I have multiple animations in the blender file. Maybe I neglected to do something with the animations in blender so that they are ported over properly.

Well I guess I may be answering my own question, but I hope this helps someone else. I am going to attempt to create a separate blend file for every animation and then export the me animation that way. After poking around at the animated model demo I noticed that there are fbx files for the animations provided and the model itself. I will verify if this method works later after testing it out. Hopefully this will lead to a little more blender support.