Does anyone have the same 'problem'?

Hello, I wonder if someone has the same problem to put float type values in fields in Paradox Studio?

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I thought that values is not float type. So I have the same issue if it is issue at all.

Values are type float because the example is set SpaceEscape

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I noticed this in an earlier version, too. A quick fix is to edit the values manually in a text editor. I just created an issue on Github for this.

You are probably using a non-english locale, right? If so, those numeric fields currently expect you to input commas as decimal separators, but output decimal points. What you are seeing is “2,3” being coerced to “2.3”, which is then treated as “2.3,0” and coerced to “23,0”.


Thank jwollen, really I do not use an english-locale, I figured it would be something related to this, but I have not had time to test, now reading your response I tested here switching to English ran smoothly.

Thanks for the feedback. Seems like we have a problem with the locale. We will fix this asap in a next update.

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