Xenko: help us find a new name/logo for the engine! (if we have to rename)

Not that I would say that it’s too soon. The thing is, the name, the logo, and the brand message all inform each other - in the ideal world it would be done holistically. By constraining the possibilities of one variable, I think it introduces an unnecessary limitation; I’d say it’s generally better to vote on a list of fleshed out proposals (name, logo, brand concept, etc), rather than cutting down a list of names, and proceeding from there.

I do think perhaps we’re not quite there yet, and still evolving ideas.

Like “Google”, for example?

I understand your point, but I think there are different ways to go. Obscure and/or nerdy names are a grand tradition in the naming of software, and I’d say anyone looking at programming their own game already has their geek credentials in order. :slight_smile: I think it can be a problem if they are not easily pronounceable, but otherwise it’s good to be open-minded.

I’m wit you fellers…

Hap ?;O)

That would be nice but no one proposed anything of the sort yet and there’s very little chance that someone would do so, we just don’t have those sorts of talents within our community. If someone comes forward with a legit proposal I would cancel the process and see where this goes but I don’t think it is safe for the project to delay this more than necessary.

You showed interest in creating the logo for the engine, I am also willing to design a bunch of logos but I wont do it before having at least a set of agreed upon names, without this the name I would choose might not be in line with the community/xen which ultimately will just be a waste of my time, that’s why voting on the names might be beneficial for those who end up creating logos, we’ll at least have a set of names that most people like.

If you guys feel like this is too soon feel free to tell me and I’ll postpone this but we can’t just leave this on the back burner, either send/notify us of some sort of proposal if you do want to work on the branding or provide us with a maximum time-frame that you feel is fair enough given the issues we talked about.

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I think, though, that perhaps we haven’t given the community a chance yet to produce ideas beyond a list of names. There hasn’t been any clear request for more fleshed out proposals, and you were discouraging people from producing graphics until the name was settled. IMO, that’s not the way to go.

I think it would be much better to request more fleshed out concepts, that could then be discussed. For example, perhaps someone doesn’t like the names that occurred to me, but could see some potential in the “sharp C#” logo idea, and so we might then agree to focus on that, and see what we can come up with. Or not.

If people have other concepts, they don’t have to do a full-on brand presentation - just do a “back of a napkin” brand proposal and some rough logo sketches, as I did. I realise we could be wasting our time, as I most likely have, but I do believe it would be a more effective approach, likely to produce better results.

I fully support your decision to weed out some of the incorrect names as they do not fit by any criteria, they will only confuse many voters. I am for the logo to be created after choosing a name.

i happen to know that @sebl and @mrboni indeed have those talents. they are experienced designers and we should listen to their input in the same way as they will listen to us developers when it comes to API design…

One other thing I would say, is that in the original post at the top of the thread, the request was for both names and logos, and favoured a made-up word like ‘Xenko’ for uniqueness. So, that has obviously affected the suggestions we put forward. As I said, I don’t think made up unique words are necessarily a problem, but if we don’t mind some flexibility on the domain name, then we could maybe look at more familiar words, too.

That’s to say, if you don’t mind appending '-engine- to the domain name (as Godot does), or ‘3d’ (Unity was at www.unity3d.com for years), then there are tons more possibilities in line with what these guys are suggesting.


Can’t wait to vote and breathe new life into the engine, no matter what pessimistic forecasts may sound here, I’m sure that the engine is doomed to spread its wings again and make itself known to the whole world with renewed force!

For domain name, should we allow to append 3d maybe? (Like we did for paradox and unity was doing the same for a while)


I do regret shutting that down after having read one of your other posts, alright, there’s still too much to discuss about this and it’s not the best timing seeing as xen is out right now, I’ll postpone the voting process to leave us some time to figure things out.
How about trying again in two weeks if nothing comes up ?

@sebl @mrboni @jdee if you want to contribute, please do so, your help will be much appreciated.

I could arrange a cash prize to push the community to contribute with proposals but 200 is all I can do right now.


I’d say the delay is a good idea. I think we should look at the renaming as a relaunch; as an opportunity. To be brutally honest, I see a number of “also ran” opensource game engines out there, with three guys occasionally tinkering. I think Xenko has an extraordinary inheritance from Silicon Studios, and I see huge potential, but we’ll need to have a plan if it’s to flourish rather than flounder.

With regard to the cash prize, it could encourage some more fleshed out submissions. The downside is that it works against doing things in an open and organic way. I think it’s great if we could take bits of each other’s ideas, but spin them differently, rather than working competitively.


Yes I’d like to contribute. Going to give this some thought over the next couple of days.

I think it’s really important to get this right.

@jdee - I second your comment about collaboration vs competition



I’m second for the Xensphere name. Or even Zensphere meaning meditation or some form of intuition.

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Cash prize is a good idea!
However please let me fund it myself from the Patreon donations.


Sounds good. As you said, we need to start somewhere. Lets do that excluding out names with low potential.

Not sure if name suggestions are still open, I did read every post, but it doesn’t really give anything away. My suggestion for a nomenclature would be Sprout Engine, why? Per definition Sprout means “to grow, spring up, or come forth as or as if a sprout” and that 's what I believe Xenko currently is, a small delicate flower that needs care and over time will grow into one of the big ones. Hopefully that doesn’t sound to cliche.

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@jdee @mrboni 'just checking with you guys to see if you are still working on this as we haven’t heard anything for the past week.

@Gritty Yep, they are still open ! I’ll add it to the list.

one i liked from the discord channel:

There is already Unity, there is already Duality, and so, Trinity is obviously the correct choice. 3rd time’s the charm, right?