Hi all,
I have a game built in Unity, UNION Spaceship Command, which uses Noesis GUI, a vector based UI which is based on (and mostly compatible with) WPF.
You can see an example of a Noesis based UI in UNION here: https://youtu.be/NcmcvPmh0bo?t=248
I am in the process of porting UNION to Xenko, but I haven’t had any success in integrating Noesis’ C# API into the engine. They have a Monogame integration on Github, but this will not work on the Xenko binary release as the SharpDX.Direct3D11 namespace and handle are not available.
I have a lot of experience with game systems and networking, but none with graphics programming.
I would really appreciate any help you could give with integrating Noesis.
Mark Aherne