Version 1.4
Hello everyone!
As I promised, I am sharing with the community the code of my character controller in the third person.
Demonstration video:
- Character Movement in Third Person Shooter style.
- Rotate camera as mouse movement.
- Physics-based controller.
- Motion Blur Shader.
Reminding everyone that this code is free for any use, I ask only just put my name in the credits of your project. Att. Rodrigo Medeiros.
Change Log:
V1.4: Fixed Gamma Flickering into Motion Blur effect.
V1.3: Added Support to Xenko 1.7.9 and Motion Blur Shader.
V1.2: Fixed Incompatibility problem with paradox 1.2.2.
V1.1: Added limit to vertical camera rotation.
Follows the code:
Scene preparation:
1st: First thing you need to do is create a character model, with this animations:
∙ Idle
∙ StrafeLeft
∙ StrafeRight
∙ WalkingBack
∙ WalkingForward
∙ Sprint
2nd: In the scene, put your character model and add to him a Character Collider (capsule) and all animations.
3rd: Next, add an entity model cube, name it as Orb, set this scale to X1, Y1, Z1 and make it a child of your character entity.
4th: Now, create a Camera, and make it a child of the Orb entity.
7th: Maintain the Z axis of orb aligned to your character and move the orb at the position if you desires to your game camera, and use de Z axis of camera to regulate the distance.
8th: Now, add the script ControladorDePersonagem to your character, and ControleOrbital to your orb.
9ht: Now lets play, and have a fun!
Motion Blur Installation
1st: Download the Motion Blur shader at:
2nd: Open your Project into Visual Studio Community 2015, and right click in your solution, then add a new folder called “Effect”. Next, into this folder, add all shaders you have downloades.
3rd: Into the Visual Studio, build your solution. After this, close the VS2015 and open the Xenko Game Studio.
NOTE: Allways apply the Motion Blur before a Gaussian Blur effect, and into the move mouse, you must select the Orb object into the scene.