Hello all, I have created a code only project and everything was going well until I created a scene and tried to add things to it. I can create entities without any components. I think the errors are caused by the missing .xkpkg resources. I’m looking for a workaround for this problem. It would be a huge pain if I couldn’t even use the built-in scene system.
Creating a Procedural Cube
var modelDescriptor = new ProceduralModelDescriptor(new CubeProceduralModel());
modelDescriptor.GenerateModel(Services, model);
Following Error
One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (Unable to find shader [ComputeColorConstantColorLink]))
Creating a Light
var lightEntity = new Entity()
new LightComponent()
Following Error
One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (Unable to find shader [LightDirectionalGroup]))