How to add new meshes in the engine so that it is addable in a scene ? Not with .obj and so on, I mean to add a procedural model
I wanted to add new meshes, but not with .obj files, and so on, which would not allow me to modify them in a scene of a project.
So I already have the basical meshes like Cylinder or Sphere, but I would like for example to add an EmptyCylinder piece, and be able to modify the internal radius while being into a scene, like we can do here for example with the position, the rotation and the scale:
You can see on those 2 pictures that I added a piece named “Cycylinder” (I also modified the code to have Cycylinder everywhere) (I didn’t delete the Cylinder files btw)
I’m almost sure I didn’t need to add all of theses files, and I’m also sure that I didn’t add all the files I needed or I didn’t modify them correctly -> the HashCode is probably the answer
I also modified other files, but the modifications are reversed when I launch the engine
or the files are even getting deleted
What I would like to know is how I should proceed to add a new procedural model correctly.
If anyone knows, that would make my day ^^
I think that the problems comes from the fact that my HashCodes are not good as I don’t know how to generate new ones.
Here you can see that the only difference between Cylinder and Cycylinder is the B at the end of the hashcode, I’m sure I’m not supposed to modify this file by hand, so I looked for a file that would generate this one: but I could not find anything, which would have also allowed me to find the function that generates new HashCodes.
“How add new meshes”: that is the question.
Best regards =)