Improving the API documentation

Hi all,

@xen2 and I have been discussing on how to improve the API documentation for Xenko. Right now when you visit the generated API documentation, you get a massive list of classes, methods, members and many other objects. Currently it is bloated, cramped with information, lacks any good examples and is frightens new members.
We can have cool (video)tutorials and community projects all we want: it wont matter as much since the API documentation is so hard to get a decent look at. So before I make all kinds of game tutorials and “How to” tutorials (like unity does it), lets first try to improve the core API documentation.

Some ideas

  • Custom TOC: The current main list of items in the API reference is far too bloated. We could reduce this to custom sections, with each section a handwritten summary that could then list what it contains. That means we don’t need to have ‘Xenko’ name in front of every category. Right now it only clutters things up.
    For instance the UI code, This can be reduced to a single UI category and have the subclasses/pages be referenced from there on out:
  • Wide theme: The current api documentation template uses only a fraction of the screen space available. We could extend this to make full use of a users browser width. In my example with a 2k monitor: Basically half the screen is white. This also gives some breathing space


Vs wide theme (2 lines of css):

  • Let Xenko reference a sample file: this sample file resides in a new solution which could be added to the Xenko source for versioning. This is an actual project were code can be attached to example scenes. That means the code is always checked against the latest version. Plus it gives users a far better idea on how to use the API commands.

    • A single script can demonstrate multiple commands
    • XenkoDocs can reference files in Xenko repo (Xen2 tested this)
    • The code referenced from file, does not have to be the entire file, it can be a segment from that file (Xen2 tested this)

Lets have a look at a very common class Input

I know writing these kind of example are a lot of work, but I am willing to put some serious time on this. We don’t have to cover everything and we don’t have to have everything ready at the same time. We could gradually add new examples.

What are your thoughts/ideas?

I agree that Xenko API needs to be improved, but I always kind of thought of the API closer to MSDN. I think what comparison you made was closer to the Xenko Manual, not API.

I think from your Unity link the better comparison might be.

I feel like an API comparison would likely be similar to MSDN.

Maybe maintaining two sections is not the best route? As far as the rest (widescreen etc) I agree. As for the maintaining a project that uses the code for real so we’re always comparing the latest version of the engine I think that might be good.

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Thanks for the input Jarret (pun intended)

That manual page does indeed look better, but remember that this API section (Input) happens to have a Manual counterpart. There are plenty of API commands that do not have any related Manual pages. For instance TransformComponent. This is probably the most commonly used component, but here it does not have a Manual counterpart where some examples could reside. You still would want to have some nice code examples here.

Regarding: “listing members per page” vs “each member on a different page”. I think we can take the best out of both worlds and keep the actual listing, but move the detailed explanantion to a different page per member. Like so:

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I agree with that post, having dedicated pages for each member/method would be pretty good. That seems to be closer to how MSDN handles the class library information.

I also fully agree with more code samples would be helpful.

Some remarks:

  • Fine with removing Xenko..

    We already had a script to remove the SiliconStudio. part of the TOC.

    This was also doing a bunch of other things (like grouping and making sub categories) and it was quite complex and hard to maintain (remember various out of memory errors and bad complexity leading to very long execution time) so I wouldn’t recommend to restart from that one, but it should at least give you an idea of how it can be fixed. Just doing a Xenko. removal might be a few lines.

    Let me know if you need some help there.

  • Wide theme:
    Agree we could use screen estate better.

    Where did the TOC go? I think it would be better to keep it, and only remove the side margin?

    However, please be careful that if lines are too long, it might get difficult to read (easy to skip a line or read again same line), so maybe a max-width might still be good for very large values?
    This is not visible on your example (table) but please give a try with text and medium size paragraph.
    I guess you will have to test and see how it looks like.

    I took a look at a few famous website: interestingly, Wikipedia does full widescreen. Most newspaper don’t do it.

I assume you are refering to my last screenshot? I don’t want to remove the TOC. The screenshot is taken from a smaller section when you scroll down a page. It was just meant to indicate that you can still have an index explaining all members briefly (top part of the screenshot), but every detailed explanation to a separate part. This screenshot explains it better perhaps

Yes, not everything looks better using the full width. I will just experiment a bit and see how it goes.

It might be useful to add examples on usage. Microsoft does this in many of their API docs.



That is the main reason for improving the docs: adding example snippet that demonstrate the api commands.


I love the fact that I can search the Xenko project on GitHub and find the classes and examples. Writing examples for the entire API will be a time consuming project. It would be nice if the search feature in GitHub could be used to create examples in an automated way. Just a thought…


So searching for something, should generate an example for you on the fly? I don’t think that I can hook in to the Githubs search function that way.

Adding an example project that many small example scripts is the way to go. This adds a project to the main source of Xenko.

  • The generated API listing can refer to those scripts or even a part of the script
  • The scripts are versioned together with the source
  • Projects are compiling and code is not out of date with Xenko
  • You can search from github for these example too

As a newcomer trying to use the api docs, I think examples would be extremely helpful. As a first step, it would be really helpful to have some sort of getting started guide to at a minimum give you a general guideline to using the api commands. Having a working example application which has snippets pulled would be a really great goal IMHO.

The other thing that would be nice is if the Samples were in their own repository so they could be forked/downloaded alone.

The samples can’t be in their own repositories. They need to stay up to date with any change in the engine.

Publishing them as NuGet packages could be a solution on the other hand.


I rely on Xen2 to make the decision on where to best place the source code. Whether this is a solution in the main source, whether it becomes a template or just a regular project, or just a part of the xenko-docs repo, it will be versioned alongside the xenko engine source itself.

I’m having trouble compiling the docs. I get the User Manual but the API only creates an index.html without a TOC.html… Any tips on generating the API docs? I’m using VS Community 2019… in the logs file I’m seeing a number of failures like…

[19-08-27 08:16:26.252]Warning:[ExtractMetadata](D:/Users/Hap/Documents/Visual Studio 2019/XenkoSource/xenko/sources/
assets/Xenko.Core.Assets/Xenko.Core.Assets.csproj)Workspace failed with: [Failure] Msbuild failed when processing the fi
le 'D:\Users\Hap\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\XenkoSource\xenko\sources\assets\Xenko.Core.Assets\Xenko.Core.Assets.cs
proj' with message: The SDK 'MSBuild.Sdk.Extras/2.0.24' specified could not be found.  D:\Users\Hap\Documents\Visual
Studio 2019\XenkoSource\xenko\sources\assets\Xenko.Core.Assets\Xenko.Core.Assets.csproj

I tried to open the sln for one of the Core projects and it would not allow me to install ‘MSBuild.Sdk.Extras/2.0.24’ in the Nuget PM…

Am I missing some step here?

Thanks, Hap

I had the same thing. However when I checked the MsBuild sdk it was there. When I reinstalled it, the bat file doesn’t produce any errors but the the API section remains empty.

Thats why I am finishing the tutorial section first.

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Here is a little screenshot of the upcoming tutorial section: only a few more basics tutorials before this section is finished.(edited)

The code in this example is referenced to a tutorials project. This has the following advantages

  • Each tutorial has its own scene which can be tried out by opening the Tutorials project/Template
  • Versioned along with current Xenko API
  • The code sample is reference to the actual example project. This means that you will always have working code instead of code pasted in to the documentation page itself

Here is a little video demonstrating the actual tutorial project which users can create by choosing the C# basics tutorial template from the Xenko launcher.


As per mention in the October recap blog
